Peace for your Path...

"peace. it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." (unknown)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Advent candles and socks-with-sandals

Transition day. I am claiming today as "Transition Day"....

Cool, cloudy Tuesday. Windows thrown open to welcome Winter's blessed breezes. Last year's Advent candles burning brightly to my right to symbolically prepare me for this newest Season of waiting...

Sting's "If On A Winter's Night..." CD is playing on my laptop while I work. Hot coffee in my cup. Fuzzy socks to warm me to my toes. Awaiting word of a new babe to be born tonight - a dear friend's first grandchild. Wow.

Life is very, very, VERY good!

Peace for your Tuesday Path, too.


Monday, November 28, 2011

[Advent Conspiracy] Enter the Story 2011


Let me explain...

Months ago, I started looking into charities committed to helping with the Global Water Crisis and fell in love with the mission of Water.Org. Then at the Casting Crowns concert last weekend all kinds of statistics were being shared about the crisis via World Vision. Last night at church, the Advent video below was shared by the Living Water International organization.

I am a (very) slow learner as additionally two weeks ago I got a very strong message one morning while making plans for our Holiday celebration. Clear, direct and decidely simple - the word that came to me was "water," and I wrote it on the chalkboard in my kitchen. All throughout our busy Thanksgiving time as a family, I looked at the word and gave thanks for the clean water flowing from my sink that I previously had taken for granted so many times.

Yeah - so I think now I am (finally) beginning to get it...WATER.

Water is Life. Water is the most basic physical need of all living creatures. Those of us who have clean water have a moral responsibility to conserve it, to protect it, and most of all, to share the blessing of it by helping EVERYONE in the world to get it.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

walking and writing our gratitude

Join us TODAY anytime between 10am and 12pm to walk the labyrinth.
Bring along your gratitude journals....  
The Episcopal Church of The Good Shepherd 

Friday, November 11, 2011


"Lord, bid war's trumpet cease; Fold the whole earth in peace." - Oliver Wendell Holmes 

Honoring all our heroes,
yet dreaming of a world with no reason for war...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


lovely words from Thomas Merton

"It is a strange awakening to find the sky inside you and beneath you and above you and all around you so that your spirit is one with the sky, and all is positive night."

- Thomas Merton 

Friday, November 4, 2011

nice idea Starbucks!

I was finally able to get my very own "Let's Create Jobs for USA" bracelet last night at Starbucks since learning about their initiative early last month on "Morning Joe." For my $5 donation, I received this nifty little red, white and blue wristband with "Indivisible" printed on it's silver bar.

Learn more at Way to go, Starbucks and Opportunity Finance Network. Really love your idea...