Wednesday, September 8, 2010

true love times twenty

You know you have married your true love when he goes to three stores to find you non-skid bath mats so that you can safely shower without falling after you are responsible for ruining your real anniversary plans with an idiotic athletic mishap AND he comes in still smiling and bearing you beautiful flowers....

Scott, I love you so very much.

Thank you for these past twenty years together. I fell for you the minute I saw you (and they had to stop the entire ski lift to scoop me up), and I am still falling now....(only now, I break bones). Love hurts.

Still, I am deeply blessed and truly grateful to be growing old beside you.


The Perfect Stillness

Love is
the perfect stillness
and the greatest excitement, and most profound act,
and the word almost as complete
as His name.

- Rabia of Basra (c. 717-801)


  1. happy anniversary to the both of you!!!! wishing you many more happy years together:)

  2. Thank you so much, Deborah! Getting ready to visit your fabulous blog this morning. Can't wait to see what is new on "Apples in Wonderland!" Love, Robin


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