Monday, March 21, 2011

Underwired Magazine - The Recycle Issue

I am honored to have an article included in the March 2011 "Recycle Issue" of Underwired Magazine. Follow Underwired on Facebook and pick up your copy today of this fabulous women's publication.
"Reassess. Rewrite. Resume." is on page 16. Thanks for reading!

PS    Please check back soon for a funny (and very humbling) story about what happened to me while flying back from Louisville, KY a couple of weekends ago after picking up my very own copy of Underwired in my favorite hometown coffee house....It involves my airline seatmate, her friend's daughter, breakfast and a birdcage.

More on this story after I unpack from Spring Break!


  1. you're going to leave me hanging? i hardly ever have a story that includes a bird cage. ;) and congrats, again!!!!

  2. Ha! Oh, I have missed you, my dear writer friend! It was REALLY hard having only limited WiFi for over a week. Blogging was only possible from my iPhone in the car (while riding as a passenger only - never driving). Anyway, I know YOU can understand! Promise to let you in on the big laugh soon. Notice the birds on the cover and also the irony of my own name as well. It is one big metaphoric feathery Circle...Love you! Robin


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