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Thursday, May 6, 2010
Today is The National Day of Prayer
I am unfortunately not going to make it up to Tequesta this morning to walk the labyrinth at The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, but I "walked" my favorite finger labyrinth three times already. I sat outside in the bright morning sunshine with my coffee. I listened to a dove cooing and watched the lizards climb the trees. Lily fished a dead baby frog out of the pool and respectively, prayerfully, refrained from eating it (this time). It was a blessed time of reflection and prayer...
How are you spending the day?
How about finding a local labyrinth on The World-Wide Labyrinth Locator? Visit www.labyrinthlocator.org
and put in the name of your city or your zip code. All the registered labyrinths within a mile radius you select will come up for you.
Or, visit The Labyrinth Society website www.labyrinthsociety.org and download a finger labyrinth in PDF form to print out and trace. Walk it with your fingers rather than your feet like I did with my wooden finger labyrinth. There is also a wonderful on-line labyrinth you can walk with your computer mouse, too.
If you are a blogger, blog everywhere about the power of prayer. If you network via Facebook and Twitter, share your prayers there. Email your friends. Reach out to your neighbors. This is a wonderful day to unite with people of all faiths and beliefs.
Spread, speak, share - Love....
Peace for your Prayerful Path,
I offer a Thursday labyrinth walk and meditation at my home, today! The labyrinth is a temporary installation at this point, but will become permanent as time allows for the landscaping. We are reading/studying Thich Naht Hanh's Miracle of Mindfuless as well. Golden, CO Each Thursday. Blessings to you on this miraculous day of prayer