Tuesday, October 6, 2009

thank you good shepherd friends!

It was a beautiful sunny Sunday here in South Florida for The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd's annual "Blessing of the Animals" on October 4th. My yellow lab, Lily, finally met Father Bob's golden retriever, Mac, for the first time.

A lovely ceremony was held in the church courtyard for the sixty or more people and pets in attendance. Each pet's name was spoken aloud to the group by his or her human family member. Dogs, cats, and rabbits (all leashed and crated) greeted one another cordially and in the spirit of true friendship. After beautiful scripture readings by the clergy staff, each animal was blessed with a sprinkling of Holy water and prayed for individually.

Several attendees enjoyed snacks and conversation afterward while others ventured over to the labyrinth. This was the first "Paws on the Path" event to coincide with "The Blessing of the Animals".

Though Lily did not walk with the same contemplative spirit as her elder friend Mac, she did bring her own brand of youthful exuberance to the Path. All together, Lily and I estimate about 12-14 dogs and their people (plus one brave cat!) walked the outdoor labyrinth together.

St. Francis himself was most surely smiling down upon our happy gathering!

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